I get asked A LOT- How do you get those newborns to do what you want!!? Well it's simple- and it's not just me- it's the parent's taking the time to read this session guide, and following all of my tips! You've heard the saying "It takes a village" YEP this is one of those times.
STEP 1- One of the most important tips that I cannot stress enough is to keep your baby AWAKE for at lease 1-2 HOURS before your session. I know it's a bit tricky to do that when they are newborn- after all they usually sleep the majority of the day. HOWEVER you can do a few of these tips to keep them stimulated and to make them tired. Give them a bath, massage them to stimulate them, talk to them, make eye contact, Doing these simple steps will ensure that they are ready for a nap and that we can get all of those cute squishy photos.
STEP 2- Feed them within and hour or so before their session (bring an extra bottle for in between feeding) although you may have already fed them, sometimes giving them a bit more during their session will help. Keep them awake while feeding by talking to them, tickling them, rub their legs, keeping them awake before your session is key to getting those sleepy shots. If baby is awake during their session it is difficult to get those shots in the little bed, or posed shots on the table with outfits- typically if baby is awake the whole session the majority of shots will be wrapped- as babies reflexes are not controlled and all shots will have too much movement and it's difficult to get the desired shot when this happens.
STEP 3- Dress your baby in loose clothing for the session, so that it's easily removed and that their are no lines from clothing on baby skin, a button down sleeper is best, avoid anything that will need to be removed over head.
STEP 4- Leave baby in car seat when you arrive so that we do not disturb them while we go over session flow and details. I will take baby out and start the process of wrapping baby first- since we will be doing parent shots first and baby is generally wrapped.
STEP 5- Bring a pacifier, even if your baby doesn't normally take it- this will help in soothing and calming baby for certain shots. Also, be prepared to feed your baby at some point during your session. It can sometimes take up to 2-3hrs and bringing an extra bottle, being prepared to breastfeed etc. will be important.
STEP 6- If your baby has a history of having gas and is very irritated and restless, and you give them any type of gas drops or anything that will soothe them please bring those- they work wonders.
STEP 7- Bring extra diapers, wipes- I do keep wipes on hand- however you may have a specific type that you prefer.
step 8- If you have other children- and plan on sibling shots- those will be taken at the beginning of the session when I do the family shots. It is recommended that the father or a grandparent attend to them while we are finishing the session- as I will need mom to stay close by (which could take up to 1.5 hrs or more after family shots- OR have the father/grandparent to take them for ice cream or a snack at the store under a mile from my studio. Some parents have also had grandparents to take the siblings home. As the extra time makes them restless etc. This will make your experience less stressful for you- and will allow you to enjoy the process.
STEP 9- Checklist
- Loose button up sleeper
- Extra bottle- formula
- Diapers- wipes
- Gas drops
- Brush- if needed
- Lotion for dry skin on face- if needed
- T-shirt for parents to change in to after the family part of the session- as the newborn room is very warm due to the large light and keeping the baby comfortable.
- If you are planning to bring your own outfits for a few photos- I will typically do those last- also keep in mind that most generally unless they are prop outfits they will be big and generally don't fit well. I will attempt to use them though.
I am very excited for your session! If you have any questions please let me know before your session! To learn more about my studio space click here; STUDIO SPACE To learn more about newborn pricing click here NEWBORN PRICING