Many of you have reached out to me over the last couple of months wanting to get on my calendar or to reschedule sessions- however LOTS of you have just messaged to check on me, to make sure that I’m doing okay and to see if I’ve needed anything. Your concern and thoughtfulness mean the world to me, YOU are why I love to do what I do. You are more than just clients- you are friends/family. Thank you for always supporting me.

I have enjoyed a little time “off” and getting things done around the house that I typically never have time for- but I’m READY to get back to taking pictures of you and your sweet families! Until we get the word to open our businesses again I wanted to share my new in studio and outdoor policies with you. (Every shoot will depend on both state and local government guidelines) And HONESTLY- I have always kept my studio space clean, and provided hand sanitizer, kept my hair back and if anyone was sick or if I was not feeling well I would ALWAYS reschedule. These policies are in place to protect myself and my clients.

🌿 Do not worry we will get pictures of your beautiful family and your sweet little one (even if they are a wee bit bigger.)

🌿 I am now booking for all summer and fall outdoor sessions this includes maternity, family, children, tween, senior, and cap and gown.

🌿 With Mother’s Day around the corner I’ve had several inquiries for Mommy and Me sessions and Gift Certificate Request. I WILL have a Motherhood Event once we get the all clear. And YES- Gift Certificates are available. 🥰

🌿 I am also opening up a limited number of Newborn studio sessions for the remainder of the year. IF you would like to schedule a newborn session it is very important to schedule once you find out that you are expecting. It’s never too early.

🌿 YOU and your family are my number one priority- As always the studio as well as props will be cleaned/disinfected between each and every session, typically I have two days between studio sessions, hand sanitizer as well as gloves and face mask will be provided.

🌿 Based on inquiries I expect to be fully booked very quickly, if you have reached out over the last few months for any type of session this year please message me so that I can get you on my calendar.

🌿 Lastly, Please read over the information in the post carefully, as this applies to everyone that books a session with me. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. Hope to see you all soon!

Illustrated health and safety protocol infographic with icons showing COVID-19 precautions.
Illustrated safety guidelines infographic for photography sessions with icons and instructions.